I went walking where you walk every day
Where the men on the steps know your name
I was thinking, Her shoes touch this street
She smells this smell, there's the view that she sees
I still had your keys so I let myself in
I was looking for a place to begin
I loosened your faucet, I slept in your bed
I was dreaming you'd come home and love me again
I stayed up for days, I lay on a box
When I was dirty enough I drew near
I stood on your corner, I took off my watch
When I saw you coming I held out my hand
I dreamed you'd take the hand I held out
I dreamed you'd say it's the soul that counts
But you gave me a dollar and a pitying look
You gave me a dollar but there was something you took
I turned off my phone, I had nothing to say
I didn't touch myself for a week and a day
I turned into someone else, it didn't take much
I had that aura that comes from restraint
I offer you a warm place to sleep
I offer you a chance to think twice
I offer you your turn at the wheel
As it turns out I can sleep on my right side
I tried to buy a voodoo doll of you
A popular item, they were sold out
I had to make do
With some rubber masks and some tile grout
I sold you a stamp, just your name with red ink
I was the makeup man who painted your lips pink
I lay at your feet as the plumber for your sink
I was the waitress who served you your drinks
He ordered Chivas Regal on the rocks
I gave him Cutty Sark, a watered down shot
I charged him for Macallan, 18 years old
I had a center once but it wouldn't hold
I went walking where you walk everyday
Where the men on the steps know your name
I was thinking, Her shoes touch this street
She smells this smell, there's the view that she sees
I still had your keys so I let myself in
I looked through your things just to see where you'd been
I drank from your faucet, I slept in your bed
I was dreaming you'd come home and love me again
I was dreaming you'd come home and love me again